healthy life: healthy ways to enjoy coffee

Coffee is the best drink known to mankind.This drink is known everywhere since hundreds of years ago. In the years 700-1000 AD, Coffee was first known by Arabs as an energy drink (to stay up). The spread of coffee was started simultaneously with the spread of Islam. The first source of coffee in one of Regional Mocha in Yemen. 

in the year 1000 AD, Ibn Sina, An Arab scientist, investigating the chemical substance of coffee, the document is the first known document to dissect copies of medical science and health. 
Coffee contains caffeine, which is a derivative of xanthine. Caffeine can cause stimulation of the central nervous system (brain), respiratory system and cardiovascular system. Because it's no wonder every drink reasonable amounts of coffee (1-3 cups), our bodies feel refreshed, excited, thinking power more quickly, not easily tired or sleepy. This positive impact is difficult regardless of the cause of people drinking coffee. 

Processing and brewing coffee contributes to the concentration of caffeine in coffee drinks. For example, instant coffee is generally harder because the powder in a cup of coffee or brewed cup of boiling water directly. 

Coffee drinking habits often bring up the effect of "addiction" both psychologically and physiologically. Common trait among other coffee addiction fatigue or tired, listless and sleepy that day just did not drink coffee. 

A good coffee is consumed as much as 85-200 mg or 1-3 cups of coffee. Drinking coffee above 250 mg once can cause health problems, such as heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), nervousness, tremors (shaking hands), even nausea to vomiting. Drinking coffee is also harmful to people with hypertension (high blood pressure) because the compound caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise sharply. 

In addition, coffee can also increase blood flow to the kidneys by increasing urine production as a result. So, do not be surprised if shortly after consuming coffee bladder full sooner. Drinking too much coffee can also reduce a woman's fertility, especially if combined with alcohol. 

For women age of menopause, drinking coffee in large amounts can increase the risk porous bones (osteoporosis). In moderate doses, caffeine increase gastric acid production that lasts a  long time, so it can increase the risk of gastric disease, peptic ulcers, or intestinal ulcers. So people with stomach weakness should avoid the consumption of coffee. 

Coffee also increases the risk of atherosclerosis due to increased concentrations of homocysteine. On that basis it would be nice not to drink coffee, especially for those at high risk of heart disease. If one must drink coffee, for we should only 1-3 cups a day and it was not at bedtime. 

Healthy Tips drinking coffee:

1. Dose Indeed there has been no definitive measure for dosing the coffee may be consumed. However, most studies reveal that drinking 300 mg of caffeine (about 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day) does not give negative effects in most healthy people. 

2. Danger signals While sipping coffee actually feels good, but often is followed by million of guilt. Recognize the danger signals of coffee so we know when to stop drinking coffee. Danger signals include: anxiety, palpitations, sleep disturbances and mood disorders (eg, irritability). A coffee drinkers who stopped drinking coffee may experience "caffeine withdrawal" which is characterized by throbbing head pain, but these symptoms will disappear after 24-48 hours or get a new dose of caffeine. 

3. Listen to the body's response Everyone has their own restrictions on the consumption of caffeine. Most people can consume 2 cups of coffee a day without problems. But there is also experiencing the bad effects of coffee consumption with the same amount. Someone told me after drinking a cup of coffee became unable to sleep through the night, otherwise there is a deep sleep after drinking coffee. So, the best way is to listen to the body's own response! 

4. Recognize the content of caffeine After knowing the dose and the response of the body, it helps us to know the content of caffeine in products that we often consume. In order not to copy the recommended dose has been reached, yet we still consume other products that contain caffeine, so feel the ill effects of coffee. Some other products that contain caffeine should be considered such as: soft drinks, coffee candy, tea, chocolate, headache medicine. Method of processing (roasting and brewing) also affects the caffeine content in coffee. For example, a study shows, a cup of coffee at Starbucks contains an average of 259 mg of caffeine compared to coffee with the type and size of the same cup at Dunkin Donuts, which contains only 149 mg of caffeine. From other studies, decaf coffee (coffee without caffeine), both for those who are obese because it can raise HDL about 50%. Whereas in those who are not obese can actually lower the HDL cholesterol that can increase the risk of heart disease. 

5. Coffee Mix Five milligrams of calcium is lost for every 6 ounces of coffee consumed. But the loss of calcium can be overcome by adding 2 tablespoons milk latte or espresso. While the coffee mixture with alcohol is not good, especially in people with impaired liver and coffee with cream mixture should also be avoided to reduce the excess calories. Caffeine also interacts with several types of drugs. For those who are prescribed medication, should consult a doctor. 

6. Anti-Coffee Group The following groups are advised to avoid coffee: pregnant women, children, the elderly, people with heart disease and vascular / hypertension.