healthy tips: The easy way to loss weight

simple tips for diet:
1. Almond Consumption Almonds can magically reduce fat deposits around your abdomen. Research carried out at King's College, London states that the fat content in almonds are not fully digested by the body, the rest of this fat can make other fats from the foods we consume are not absorbed directly in the body. 

2. Consumption of fiber Start eating foods that contain fiber such as apples, citrus fruit, brown rice, beans and salads in your daily menu, because these foods will maintain the stability of blood sugar levels in the body. This method helps you control hunger and keep the fat burning process in the body to work properly. 

3. Consumption of fruits correctly Fruits and vegetables are highly recommended in the diet, and you need to know when the timing is right for eating. Eat the fruit before you eat high protein foods. Besides being able to prevent bloating, you will feel full more quickly, so you can reduce the potential entry of excess fat intake into your body.

4. Buy blue plates Believe it or not, to eat using a blue plate can reduce the amount of intake of calories into your body. A study conducted by experts to prove, that the person in the room is blue, consume 33 percent less than those who ate in the room is red or yellow. Psychologically, the color blue can make food unappealing look at and you will tend to avoid it. 

5. Good night's sleep Try to sleep the night as many as seven or more hours each day. Less sleep will make your condition is not fit to be and will automatically lowers leptin, and ghrelin hormone that regulates energy balance in the body. With less of this hormone, your body will feel hungry faster and of course this will destroy all of your diet program. 

6. Turn off the TV while eating Researchers in Belgium found that as many as 71 percent of people have a tendency to eat more when eating while watching television. This is because you do not focus on what you are eating and food will be swift slide into your belly. 

7. Drinking green tea Drinking green tea regularly can launch your body's metabolism. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea contains the so-called ECGC, which can improve the function of thermogenesis (the burning of calories) the body of the normal range of eight percent to 35 to 45 percent. other than that green tea can also regulate blood sugar levels and increase levels of fat oxidation, so you can withstand hunger and fat burning processes in the body can work optimally. 

8. Leave a mess Maybe this will make you or your spouse grumble, but the way it powerful enough to resist your appetite. Research conducted at Cornell University says that you will lose your appetite when you realize how much food you've spent the dishes you eat are still scattered on the table. Your stomach takes about 20 minutes to send signals to the brain